'Your just jelous because the little voices in my head dont talk to you' Quote Imogen
Emerella's Articles In Blogging
March 9, 2004 by Emerella
everyones a hypocrite, no matter how hard you fight it you'll always have a little hypocrite in you, you'll all be a little racist no matter who you are bacause people are different. No one can love every one, there is always those people you just cant stand. Everyone has that agument fire inside them, where you just have to talk back you can't possibly hold the urge inside. every body's a little stuborn, it's just human nature, powerful males will never stop starting wars just to prove their ...
March 9, 2004 by Emerella
Well im suposed to be doing school work now, but insted im here typing this. Since when was school work my priority anyway, i really know it should be, oh well. thought i'd post a little poem thing for your critisism. I wrote it when i was like 12 or 13 or younger i cant remember, so be kind. i no longer want to see you, i just want to hide away, where noone will ever find me and to me will the w...
March 8, 2004 by Emerella
dont lose your self in their lies its not worth your worry to waste any time on the wasteful