'Your just jelous because the little voices in my head dont talk to you' Quote Imogen
In the eye of the world who am i who do i want to be. Some things are best not to think about, live no regrets[/
Published on March 8, 2004 By Emerella In Blogging
dont lose your self in their lies its not worth your worry to waste any time on the wasteful

on Mar 08, 2004
in whose lies?
on Mar 08, 2004
Being enigmatic may be fun, but it doesn't help the reader.
on Mar 08, 2004
you mean i'm wealthy and didn't know it????
on Mar 08, 2004
Being enigmatic may be fun, but it doesn't help the reader.

That was a fabulously eloquent way of saying just what I was thinking. So.. ditto:)

on Mar 08, 2004