'Your just jelous because the little voices in my head dont talk to you' Quote Imogen
Published on March 9, 2004 By Emerella In Blogging
everyones a hypocrite, no matter how hard you fight it you'll always have a little hypocrite in you, you'll all be a little racist no matter who you are bacause people are different. No one can love every one, there is always those people you just cant stand. Everyone has that agument fire inside them, where you just have to talk back you can't possibly hold the urge inside. every body's a little stuborn, it's just human nature, powerful males will never stop starting wars just to prove their right and others to just follow them to be liked. The world is a horrible place but it can also be wonderful, we just have to stop destroying it and take a little care, have a little faith not necessaraly in a religion that set's all you rules and morals for you , and tells you how to live, but just faith in life, and being true to your self
on Mar 09, 2004
I am none of what you describe. What do you think of that.. hmm ?
on Mar 22, 2004
im all of what you described and even more. j/k yeah i think everyone has a side that they dont want to show to others, a side they sometimes dont even want to accept they have.